Short Communications
2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 758–761
Bityurin V.A., Bocharov A.N., Popov N.A.
A High-Frequency Discharge on a Dielectric Surface
lasma generation from a high-frequency (HF) oscillator, operating in the frequency range fromhundreds of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz, is one of the most interesting and promising ways of plasmacreation in gas flows. A feature of an HF oscillator is that it utilizes only a single electrode, which can be placedinside the body and have no direct contact with the medium. The surrounding medium including the elementsof the setup acts as the second electrode.
Article reference:
Bityurin V.A., Bocharov A.N., Popov N.A. A High-Frequency Discharge on a Dielectric Surface, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 758
Bityurin V.A., Bocharov A.N., Popov N.A. A High-Frequency Discharge on a Dielectric Surface, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 758