Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1968. V. 6. № 6. P. 971–975
Krzhizhanovskii R.E.
Parameters that relate electron and phonon conductivities and method for determining latter
Based on previously derived relationships between electron thermal conductivity and phonon thermal conductivity, properties that characterize conductivity of metal are investigated; method is suggested for determining phonon thermal conductivity from experimental data for alloys.
Article reference:
Krzhizhanovskii R.E. Parameters that relate electron and phonon conductivities and method for determining latter, High Temp., 1968. V. 6. № 6. P. 971
Krzhizhanovskii R.E. Parameters that relate electron and phonon conductivities and method for determining latter, High Temp., 1968. V. 6. № 6. P. 971