Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 1. P. 83–94
Kortsenshteyn N.M., Samuilov E.V., Yastrebov A.K.
New method of simulation of volume condensation of supersaturated vapor
A method of direct numerical solution of kinetic equation for the droplet size distribution function is suggested for the investigation of the process of volume condensation of supersaturated vapor. Use is made of analogy with the corresponding method of solution of kinetic Boltzmann equation. An advantage of the suggested approach is the absence of limitations on the Knudsen number. The method is tested using the example of simulation of the behavior of vapor under conditions of rapid development of the state of supersaturation in a vapor-gas mixture as a result of adiabatic expansion. The results are compared in a wide range of Knudsen number with the results obtained using the moments method in a version of a set of moments equations. Investigation is performed of the effect of the droplet size dependence of saturation pressure on the dynamics of the process of condensation relaxation of supersaturated vapor.
Article reference:
Kortsenshteyn N.M., Samuilov E.V., Yastrebov A.K. New method of simulation of volume condensation of supersaturated vapor, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 1. P. 83
Kortsenshteyn N.M., Samuilov E.V., Yastrebov A.K. New method of simulation of volume condensation of supersaturated vapor, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 1. P. 83