Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 215–221
Lepikhin S.A., Galimzyanov M.N., Gimaltdinov I.K.
Initiation of detonation waves in channels of variable cross section filled with liquid with combustible gas bubbles
Special features are investigated of the initiation of detonation waves in chemically active bubble media located in channels of variable cross section. It is found that, depending on the initial volume content of combustible mixture, the detonation in convergent channels may proceed with the emergence of one or two detonation solitons. The possibility of the emergence of a stable detonation wave upon reflection from the channel bottom is demonstrated in channels with closed bottom. Also demonstrated is the possibility of initiation of detonation upon reflection of the wave from the region of “pure” liquid. Depending on the amplitude of initiating wave and of the initial volume content of bubbles, a map of solutions is constructed which illustrates the modes of the process of detonation in the considered channels.
Article reference:
Lepikhin S.A., Galimzyanov M.N., Gimaltdinov I.K. Initiation of detonation waves in channels of variable cross section filled with liquid with combustible gas bubbles, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 215
Lepikhin S.A., Galimzyanov M.N., Gimaltdinov I.K. Initiation of detonation waves in channels of variable cross section filled with liquid with combustible gas bubbles, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 215