Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 244–250
Malyshkina M.M.
The procedure for investigation of the efficiency of purification of natural gases in a supersonic separator
A procedure is suggested for determining the field of application of supersonic separators. The formulation of the problem is given as regards the choice of optimal values of Mach number. The compositions of gas-liquid mixtures are determined as a function of the initial parameters (composition of gas, temperature, pressure, and Mach number). The results are given in the form of temperature, pressure, and Mach number dependences of the composition of the liquid phase of gas-liquid mixture. Primary estimation is made of the efficiency of purification of natural gases depending on their initial parameters.
Article reference:
Malyshkina M.M. The procedure for investigation of the efficiency of purification of natural gases in a supersonic separator, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 244
Malyshkina M.M. The procedure for investigation of the efficiency of purification of natural gases in a supersonic separator, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 2. P. 244