Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 3. P. 397–401
Koleshko S.B., Chumakov Yu.S.
Turbulent natural-convection heat transfer on a vertical surface under stepwise heating with inversion of heat flux
Results are given of experimental investigations of air flow in the vicinity of a vertical plate under stepwise heating which leads to inversion of heat flux on the surface. It is suggested to generalize to this case the algebraic model of turbulent thermal diffusivity developed by us previously. The results of calculations of such flow are compared with experimental data, and special features of the structure of thermal layer are identified.
Article reference:
Koleshko S.B., Chumakov Yu.S. Turbulent natural-convection heat transfer on a vertical surface under stepwise heating with inversion of heat flux, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 3. P. 397
Koleshko S.B., Chumakov Yu.S. Turbulent natural-convection heat transfer on a vertical surface under stepwise heating with inversion of heat flux, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 3. P. 397