Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 727–734
Isaev S.A., Zhukova Yu.V., Baranov P.A., Sudakov A.G.
Numerical investigation of the effect of roughness on convective heat transfer under stationary laminar flow of M20 oil around a circular cylinder
Convective heat transfer under the laminar flow $(\text{Re} = 60)$ of M20 oil and air heated to $333$ K around a circular cylinder with a wavy surface roughness is computed using multiblock computational technologies, which are implemented in package VP2/3 for solving the Navier–Stokes and energy equations as part of the procedure for adjusting pressure. It is shown that at a roughness depth of $1\%$ in fractions of the cylinder diameter, the heat transfer from the surface in oil increases by $21\%$, and the thermal–hydraulic performance grows by $17\%$.
Article reference:
Isaev S.A., Zhukova Yu.V., Baranov P.A., Sudakov A.G. Numerical investigation of the effect of roughness on convective heat transfer under stationary laminar flow of M20 oil around a circular cylinder, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 727
Isaev S.A., Zhukova Yu.V., Baranov P.A., Sudakov A.G. Numerical investigation of the effect of roughness on convective heat transfer under stationary laminar flow of M20 oil around a circular cylinder, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 727