Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 721–728
Fatykhov M.A., Hudajberdina A.I.
A mathematic simulation of the process of hydrochloric acid impact on heating of a carbonate-bearing oil bed exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field
A model of the process of heating of a carbonate-bearing oil bed under a combined exposure to hydrochloric acid and a high-frequency electromagnetic field is proposed. The space-time temperature distributions are calculated; the contributions from various physical processes depending on the absorption coefficient of electromagnetic waves in the bed are analyzed. It is found that the temperature distribution over the bed thickness can be controlled by injecting hydrochloric acid in a high-frequency electromagnetic field.
Article reference:
Fatykhov M.A., Hudajberdina A.I. A mathematic simulation of the process of hydrochloric acid impact on heating of a carbonate-bearing oil bed exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 721
Fatykhov M.A., Hudajberdina A.I. A mathematic simulation of the process of hydrochloric acid impact on heating of a carbonate-bearing oil bed exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 721