Plasma Investigations
2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 38–45
Gadzhiev M.Kh., Kulikov Yu.M., Panov V.A., Son E.E., Tyuftyaev A.S.
Supersonic plasmatron nozzle profiling with the real properties of high temperature working gas
The effects of real gases (excitation of vibrational degrees of freedom, dissociation and ionization) taken into account for supersonic nozzle profiling. The paper presents the method of the supersonic nozzle profiling for non-monotonic dependence of adiabatic index on temperature. The results of nozzle profile calculation for two sets of input parameters, based on independently determined specific heat for molecular nitrogen $\mathrm{N}_2$ and products of its thermal decomposition in the temperature range of $260$–$10^5$ K and atmospheric pressure are presented. The experimental set-up based on proposed method of supersonic nozzle has been developed and manufactured. The gas velocity at different distances from the nozzle outlet has been measured. Results show the existence of the supersonic and transsonic flow regimes after the nozzle.
Article reference:
Gadzhiev M.Kh., Kulikov Yu.M., Panov V.A., Son E.E., Tyuftyaev A.S. Supersonic plasmatron nozzle profiling with the real properties of high temperature working gas, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 38
Gadzhiev M.Kh., Kulikov Yu.M., Panov V.A., Son E.E., Tyuftyaev A.S. Supersonic plasmatron nozzle profiling with the real properties of high temperature working gas, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 38