Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 98–103
Petukhov V.A., Bublik N.P., Gusev P.A., Gutkin L.D., Solntsev O.I.
Influence of the initiation energy on development of hydrogen–air mixtures combustion in large spherical volumes
We investigate the influence of the initiation energy on the development of burning in hydrogen–air mixtures with an hydrogen content of $7$–$31\%$ (volume). We initiated the mixtures in the center of the spherical reaction volume, $7$–$40$ m$^3$ in size, by energies from $1$ J up to $4600$ J. The reaction volume was bordered by a thin rubber envelope and located inside the $910$ m$^3$ spherical explosion chamber. We registered the flame front movement by means of the ionization sensors, the video camera, and the high-speed video camera.
Article reference:
Petukhov V.A., Bublik N.P., Gusev P.A., Gutkin L.D., Solntsev O.I. Influence of the initiation energy on development of hydrogen–air mixtures combustion in large spherical volumes, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 98
Petukhov V.A., Bublik N.P., Gusev P.A., Gutkin L.D., Solntsev O.I. Influence of the initiation energy on development of hydrogen–air mixtures combustion in large spherical volumes, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 98