Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 526–530
Gidaspov V.Yu., Severina N.S.
Numerical simulation of the fine structure of a cylindrical detonation wave in a hydrogen–air combustible mixture
The modes of propagation in a hydrogen–air combustible mixture of a cylindrical detonation wave formed as a result of the decay of a discontinuity on the boundary of the low-pressure and high-pressure chambers are studied. The simulation is performed in a quasi-one-dimensional nonstationary formulation using the original grid-characteristic method with the explicit separation of strong and weak discontinuities. It is shown that, when approaching the Chapman–Jouguet detonation velocity, the detonation wave propagates in a pulsating mode; that the frequency of fluctuations at large distances depends weakly on the parameters in the high-pressure chamber; and that the step of temperature and density oscillations with respect to the spatial coordinate behind the bow shock wave is close to the experimentally measured dimensions of a detonation cell.
Article reference:
Gidaspov V.Yu., Severina N.S. Numerical simulation of the fine structure of a cylindrical detonation wave in a hydrogen–air combustible mixture, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 526
Gidaspov V.Yu., Severina N.S. Numerical simulation of the fine structure of a cylindrical detonation wave in a hydrogen–air combustible mixture, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 4. P. 526