Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 741–746
Zverev V.G., Nazarenko V.A., Pan'ko S.V., Teplouhiv A.V.
Determination of convective heat transfer parameters by measuring the temperature of a material
On the basis of solving the inverse problem of heat conductivity, a technique is presented for calculating the heat transfer coefficient and temperature of a steady-state gas flow by measuring temperature on the surface or in the depth of an inert material without the operation of numerical differentiation and smoothing of experimental data. The sensitivity of the solution to change in the convective heat transfer parameters is analyzed. We determine the measurement times at which experimental data contain maximum information on the sought parameters and the influence of measurement error on their determination is minimum. On the basis of approximation of the solution, the approximated formula for calculating the heat transfer coefficient is obtained. Application of the technique makes it possible to increase the accuracy in determining the convective heat transfer parameters by termocouple measurements.
Article reference:
Zverev V.G., Nazarenko V.A., Pan'ko S.V., Teplouhiv A.V. Determination of convective heat transfer parameters by measuring the temperature of a material, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 741
Zverev V.G., Nazarenko V.A., Pan'ko S.V., Teplouhiv A.V. Determination of convective heat transfer parameters by measuring the temperature of a material, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 741