Short Communications
2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 761–764
Eronin A.A., Malyshenko S.P., Zhuravlev A.I.
Size effects in local heat exchange under boiling of liquid nitrogen in an electric field
Size effects in local heat transfer under nitrogen boiling in an electric field are experimentally investigated. It is shown that the characteristic sizes of inhomogeneities of the heated surface, leading to formation of field traps and intensification of local heat transfer, correspond to sizes exceeding the detached diameters of bubbles during bubble boiling in the initial area of the boiling curve.
Article reference:
Eronin A.A., Malyshenko S.P., Zhuravlev A.I. Size effects in local heat exchange under boiling of liquid nitrogen in an electric field, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 761
Eronin A.A., Malyshenko S.P., Zhuravlev A.I. Size effects in local heat exchange under boiling of liquid nitrogen in an electric field, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 5. P. 761