High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
1977. V. 15. № 1. P. 149–154
Is?rov A.D., Kalinin V.I., Kirsanov L.L., Lukash V.E., Malyuzhonok G.P., Novikov E.I., Orlov A.V., Poberezhskii L.P., Shemyakin V.Ya.
Processing the results of experiments on the U-25 unit by means of an information measuring system
Some problems in connection with the use of an information measuring system when setting up an experiment of the U-25 MHD power unit are examined. The relations of this system with the object of investigation are shown and brief technical characteristics are given. The experiments were conducted to obtain more data of complex equipment used with MHD generator.
Article reference:
Is?rov A.D., Kalinin V.I., Kirsanov L.L., Lukash V.E., Malyuzhonok G.P., Novikov E.I., Orlov A.V., Poberezhskii L.P., Shemyakin V.Ya. Processing the results of experiments on the U-25 unit by means of an information measuring system, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 1. P. 149
Is?rov A.D., Kalinin V.I., Kirsanov L.L., Lukash V.E., Malyuzhonok G.P., Novikov E.I., Orlov A.V., Poberezhskii L.P., Shemyakin V.Ya. Processing the results of experiments on the U-25 unit by means of an information measuring system, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 1. P. 149