Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 3. P. 432–437
Golubev A.E., Krasil'nikov E.Yu., Lushchik V.G.
An experimental investigation of liquid metal flow past a cylinder in longitudinal magnetic field
The distribution of pressure on the surface of a cylinder is obtained as a result of experimental investigation; this distribution significantly varies with increasing magnetic induction compared to the flow past a cylinder in the absence of magnetic field. In so doing, the pressure drag coefficient of the cylinder significantly increases. The measurements of velocity profiles reveal that the extent of the region of stagnant flow before the cylinder (the so-called “leading” wake) increases with magnetic induction. The dependence of axial defect of velocity on the MHD interaction parameter is obtained; this dependence under conditions of flow in a strong magnetic field is unaffected by the shape of the body subjected to flow, as is confirmed by the results of experiment involving the flow past a plate.
Article reference:
Golubev A.E., Krasil'nikov E.Yu., Lushchik V.G. An experimental investigation of liquid metal flow past a cylinder in longitudinal magnetic field, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 3. P. 432
Golubev A.E., Krasil'nikov E.Yu., Lushchik V.G. An experimental investigation of liquid metal flow past a cylinder in longitudinal magnetic field, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 3. P. 432