Short Communications
2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 921–923
Kirko D.L., Savelov A.S.
Characteristics of capillary discharge upon adding metal atoms to plasma
Capillary discharge with a metal atom content in the plasma is investigated. Spectroscopy was used to study the discharge under interaction with metal foils. The temperature distribution at the discharge axis was obtained. The autonomous domains are fixed in the area of the jet interaction with the aluminum foil. The conditions of the occurrence of such plasma domains are discussed.
Article reference:
Kirko D.L., Savelov A.S. Characteristics of capillary discharge upon adding metal atoms to plasma, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 921
Kirko D.L., Savelov A.S. Characteristics of capillary discharge upon adding metal atoms to plasma, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 921