
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 4. P. 566–573
Brykin M.V.
The states of condensed phase of two-component substances under laser heating
A self-similar problem, which has an exact analytical solution, is used as an example for analyzing possible states of the condensed phase of two-component materials under surface heating to temperatures in excess of the temperatures of phase transitions. It is demonstrated that the disruption of initially uniform distribution of concentration of components in the material, which is caused by non-congruent phase transitions, results in formation of a complex structure dependent on the thermal properties and consisting of alternating regions with different single-phase and two-phase states of material, namely, liquid-vapor, liquid, liquid-solid, and solid. All of these regions may exist in the condensed phase simultaneously.
Article reference:
Brykin M.V. The states of condensed phase of two-component substances under laser heating, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 4. P. 566