Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2017. V. 55. № 2. P. 239–245
Drakon A.V., Emelianov A.V., Eremin A.V., Yatsenko P.I.
Study of trifluoromethane within wide pressure and temperature ranges by molecular resonance absorption spectroscopy
The concentration of $\rm CF_2$ produced via trifluoromethane, $\rm CF_3H$, dissociation behind reflected shock waves is measured by molecular resonance absorption spectroscopy method within wide ranges of $\rm CF_3 \rm H$ concentrations, temperatures, and pressures $(38 \le n[\mathrm{CF}_3\mathrm{H}] \le 27000$ ppm, $1180 \le T \le 2780$ K, and $P = 1.5$–$18$ bar$)$. The heat release of $\rm CF_2$ radical formation in trifluoromethane pyrolysis is experimentally determined. We analyze the experimental data obtained at low and high pressures and find the normalization factor for the best coincidence of those data. We determine the activation energy $E_a$ at low and high pressures and obtain the generalized activation energy $E_a$ for all the experimental data.
Article reference:
Drakon A.V., Emelianov A.V., Eremin A.V., Yatsenko P.I. Study of trifluoromethane within wide pressure and temperature ranges by molecular resonance absorption spectroscopy, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 2. P. 239
Drakon A.V., Emelianov A.V., Eremin A.V., Yatsenko P.I. Study of trifluoromethane within wide pressure and temperature ranges by molecular resonance absorption spectroscopy, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 2. P. 239