High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
2009. V. 47. № 4. P. 597–602
Kashcheev M.V., Kuznetsov I.A.
Mathematical simulation of containment of molten fuel in the vessel of fast reactor under conditions of heavy accident: Mathematical model
A mathematical model is suggested of containment of melt in the vessel of a fast reactor under conditions of deterioration of fuel assemblies. The computational domain under consideration is multiply connected and includes 15 sub-domains. The mathematical simulation of sub-domains as porous bodies is performed using the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, written in the form of equations of continuity, motion, and energy in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates. The formation of heat-releasing layer is considered. Relations are obtained for determining the time of formation of layer and the layer thickness. The layer zones are simulated. A formula is derived for heat sinks in a zone with heat exchangers.
Article reference:
Kashcheev M.V., Kuznetsov I.A. Mathematical simulation of containment of molten fuel in the vessel of fast reactor under conditions of heavy accident: Mathematical model, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 4. P. 597
Kashcheev M.V., Kuznetsov I.A. Mathematical simulation of containment of molten fuel in the vessel of fast reactor under conditions of heavy accident: Mathematical model, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 4. P. 597