Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2017. V. 55. № 1. P. 120–123
Khairullin M.H., Gadilshina V.R., Shamsiev M.N., Morozov P.E., Abdullin A.I., Badertdinova E.R.
Thermohydrodynamic studies of vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing of a reservoir
A mathematical model to describe thermohydrodynamic processes in the system oil reservoir–hydraulic fracture has been developed. A method for determining filtration and thermophysical parameters of the reservoir and fracture has been proposed. Curves of the change of the downhole temperature and pressure are used as initial information.
Article reference:
Khairullin M.H., Gadilshina V.R., Shamsiev M.N., Morozov P.E., Abdullin A.I., Badertdinova E.R. Thermohydrodynamic studies of vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing of a reservoir, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 1. P. 120
Khairullin M.H., Gadilshina V.R., Shamsiev M.N., Morozov P.E., Abdullin A.I., Badertdinova E.R. Thermohydrodynamic studies of vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing of a reservoir, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 1. P. 120