Plasma Investigations
2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 339–345
Pinaev V.A.
Formation and energy relaxation of a fast electron beam in cathode regions of a glow discharge in helium
Results of a three-dimensional direct statistical simulation of formation and energy relaxation of a group of high-energy electrons in cathode regions of the low pressure ($p < 1$ Torr) glow discharge in helium are given. It is demonstrated that the electron distribution function at the exit from the cathode sheath contains a group (beam) of high-energy electrons which did not suffer inelastic collisions and had energy close to the cathode fall potential. The beam is shown to be a main source of charged particle production in the negative glow region. The calculated electron energy distribution function is compared with experimental data.
Article reference:
Pinaev V.A. Formation and energy relaxation of a fast electron beam in cathode regions of a glow discharge in helium, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 339
Pinaev V.A. Formation and energy relaxation of a fast electron beam in cathode regions of a glow discharge in helium, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 339