Plasma Investigations
1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 929–933
Gurovich V.Ts., Spektorov V.L., Engel'sht V.S.
Degeneracy of spectral series in hydrogen plasmas
The possibility is examined of describing the emission from hydrogen plasmas with large nonidealness parameters on the basis of the principle of spectroscopic stability. Unlike plasmas of other elements, in hydrogen this principle has a large range of applicability.
Article reference:
Gurovich V.Ts., Spektorov V.L., Engel'sht V.S. Degeneracy of spectral series in hydrogen plasmas, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 929
Gurovich V.Ts., Spektorov V.L., Engel'sht V.S. Degeneracy of spectral series in hydrogen plasmas, High Temp., 1979. V. 17. № 6. P. 929