2010. V. 48. № 6. P. 943–956
Fortov V.E., Petrov O.F.
Crystal and liquid structures in strongly nonideal dusty plasmas under laboratory and microgravity conditions
This review presents the results obtained in a cycle of interrelated experimental works that have a priority character in the study of dusty plasma crystals and liquids under laboratory and microgravity conditions (on board the Mir Orbital Complex and the International Space Station) over wide ranges of temperatures and pressures: in a DC glow-discharge plasma and a low-pressure RF discharge plasma at room and cryogenic temperatures, in a nuclear-excited plasma and an UV-induced plasma, and in a thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure.
Article reference:
Fortov V.E., Petrov O.F. Crystal and liquid structures in strongly nonideal dusty plasmas under laboratory and microgravity conditions, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 6. P. 943
Fortov V.E., Petrov O.F. Crystal and liquid structures in strongly nonideal dusty plasmas under laboratory and microgravity conditions, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 6. P. 943