Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 400–406
Reviznikov D.L., Sposobin A.V., Sukharev T.Yu.
Numerical simulation of the flow around a blunt body in supersonic polydisperse stream
The work is devoted to numerical simulation of the flow around blunt bodies in supersonic streams containing solid polydisperse particles. We consider a widespread variant of two-parameter gamma function for the particle size distribution. To account for interparticle collisions and interactions of particles with a streamlined surface, the direct numerical simulation of collisional dynamics for the dispersed phase was used. The local particle size distribution near the streamlined surface is studied. The screening effect due to the interaction of the incident and reflected from the surface particles is analyzed. It is noted that the energy flux from a polydisperse admixture to the streamlined surface can be represented with sufficient accuracy by equivalent impact of monodisperse admixture.
Article reference:
Reviznikov D.L., Sposobin A.V., Sukharev T.Yu. Numerical simulation of the flow around a blunt body in supersonic polydisperse stream, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 400
Reviznikov D.L., Sposobin A.V., Sukharev T.Yu. Numerical simulation of the flow around a blunt body in supersonic polydisperse stream, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 400