Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 873–877
Sudarchikov A.M.
Onset of boiling of liquid in channel
This work presents experimental results for the onset of boiling of forced flow of nitrogen in channels. Experimental data corresponds to the following conditions: pressure $p = (0.9$–$18.1) \times 10^5$ Pa, velocity of circulation $w_0 = 0.1$–$1.32$ m/s. Circular straight channels with inner diameters of $d = 3.87$–$18.9$ mm made of stainless steel $(\rm Cr\,18\%$, $\rm Ni\,10\%$, $\rm Mn\,1.5\%)$ were used as test specimens. The influence of pressure and velocity of circulation on temperature difference on wall $\Delta T_{\text{ob}} = (T_w - T_{\text{sat}})$ corresponding to onset of boiling of liquid was investigated. Simple correlation of calculating for $\Delta T_{\text{ob}}$ was suggested for forced flow of cryogenic liquid in heated channel.
Article reference:
Sudarchikov A.M. Onset of boiling of liquid in channel, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 873
Sudarchikov A.M. Onset of boiling of liquid in channel, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 873