Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 675–679
Zeigarnik Yu.A., Khodakov K.A., Nizovskiy V.L., Shekhter Yu.L.
Microbubble boiling: Mechanism of the process, objectives and methods of investigations
Results are given of analysis of experimental studies devoted to the mechanism of subcooled liquid boiling under conditions of forced flow and, in particular, to its extreme case realized under high heat fluxes, i.e., microbubble boiling. The problems are formulated which are associated with experimental investigation of structural characteristics and dynamics of microbubble boiling. The description is given of the experimental stand and diagnostic system for solving the problems set.
Article reference:
Zeigarnik Yu.A., Khodakov K.A., Nizovskiy V.L., Shekhter Yu.L. Microbubble boiling: Mechanism of the process, objectives and methods of investigations, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 675
Zeigarnik Yu.A., Khodakov K.A., Nizovskiy V.L., Shekhter Yu.L. Microbubble boiling: Mechanism of the process, objectives and methods of investigations, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 675