Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 707–717
Ktalkherman M.G., Namyatov I.G., Emel'kin V.A., Pozdnyakov B.A.
Investigation of high-temperature pyrolysis of propane in a fast-mixing reactor
Analysis is performed of the previously suggested method of pyrolysis of hydrocarbons in a flow of high-temperature heat-transfer agent with injection of jets of the material subjected to pyrolysis on a normal to the reactor axis. The schematic of the process is given. Description is made of the experimental facility developed in accordance with the suggested concept. Experiments are performed involving the use of propane as the material subjected to pyrolysis and the use of the products of combustion of a hydrogen-air mixture as the heat-transfer agent. The results of experiments and numerical simulation of the process demonstrate the promise held by the method of pyrolysis being developed. The increase in the initial temperature of the mixture to $1400$ K causes a significant increase in the yield of ethylene compared to that in the case of conventional method of pyrolysis. In so doing, the required reactor length is reduced by approximately an order of magnitude.
Article reference:
Ktalkherman M.G., Namyatov I.G., Emel'kin V.A., Pozdnyakov B.A. Investigation of high-temperature pyrolysis of propane in a fast-mixing reactor, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 707
Ktalkherman M.G., Namyatov I.G., Emel'kin V.A., Pozdnyakov B.A. Investigation of high-temperature pyrolysis of propane in a fast-mixing reactor, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 5. P. 707