Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 912–919
Kozlov V.E., Lebedev A.B., Sekundov A.N., Yakubovskiy K.Ya.
Simulation of the rate of turbulent homogeneous combustion using the “quasi-laminar” approach
The possibility is considered of using a bulk (“quasi-laminar”) model of combustion for describing the rate of propagation of flame front in a turbulent flow of homogeneous fuel-oxidizer mixture. It is demonstrated that the analytical relation for the rate of propagation of flame front, obtained using a bulk model of combustion, agrees well with the available experimental data. Bulk and front models of combustion, as well as an original reduced model of kinetics of methane-air mixture, are used for calculating a V-flame. Two-dimensional calculations of an axisymmetric low-emission combustion chamber are performed using the bulk model of combustion and two reduced kinetic schemes. Comparison is made of calculation and experimental data.
Article reference:
Kozlov V.E., Lebedev A.B., Sekundov A.N., Yakubovskiy K.Ya. Simulation of the rate of turbulent homogeneous combustion using the “quasi-laminar” approach, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 912
Kozlov V.E., Lebedev A.B., Sekundov A.N., Yakubovskiy K.Ya. Simulation of the rate of turbulent homogeneous combustion using the “quasi-laminar” approach, High Temp., 2009. V. 47. № 6. P. 912