Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2007. V. 45. № 1. P. 32–36
Lyakhovitskii M.M., Minina N.A., Semashko N.A., Semke N.A., Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Kol'tsov A.G.
The kinetics of structure transformations in martensitic structural steel
The behavior of the acoustic properties and acoustic-emission activity of 08Kh14AN4MDB (chrome-nitrogen-nickel-molybdenum-copper-niobium) structural steel is investigated in the process of annealing and after quenching. The significant information content of acoustic methods is demonstrated, especially that of the acoustic emission method, from the standpoint of investigating the kinetics of the processes occurring in materials of nonequilibrium structure.
Article reference:
Lyakhovitskii M.M., Minina N.A., Semashko N.A., Semke N.A., Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Kol'tsov A.G. The kinetics of structure transformations in martensitic structural steel, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 1. P. 32
Lyakhovitskii M.M., Minina N.A., Semashko N.A., Semke N.A., Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A., Kol'tsov A.G. The kinetics of structure transformations in martensitic structural steel, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 1. P. 32