Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 2. P. 227–232
Sorokin V.V.
Calculation of two-phase adiabatic flow in a pebble bed
Experimental and theoretical data for two-phase flows in pebble beds are generalized. The dependence of pressure loss on the main characteristics of flow is treated, as well as the correlation between the steam quality and void fraction and the conditions of similarity of water-vapor and water-gas flows. Analysis of these dependences reveals that the gas phase distribution, which is uniform over the cross section of the pebble bed, may be stable and unstable.
Article reference:
Sorokin V.V. Calculation of two-phase adiabatic flow in a pebble bed, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 2. P. 227
Sorokin V.V. Calculation of two-phase adiabatic flow in a pebble bed, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 2. P. 227