
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
2007. V. 45. № 2. P. 255–260
Kokodiy N.G., Kokodii D.N.
Measurement of the distribution of intensity in a beam of thermal radiation
An experiment is described which involves measurements of the distribution of intensity in a beam of optical radiation using a grid of metal wires (bolometers). The resistance of each bolometer is determined, which depends on the intensity of radiation at the location of the bolometer. The detector rotates around the axis passing through the center of the grid normally to its plane. The resistance of the bolometers is measured for several positions of the grid. The resultant data are processed in a computer by an algorithm similar to that of tomography.
Article reference:
Kokodiy N.G., Kokodii D.N. Measurement of the distribution of intensity in a beam of thermal radiation, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 2. P. 255