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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Phase transitions and lowering of the electric breakdown threshold in gases with condensed disperse phase
335Gerasimov D.N., Sinkevich O.A.
- The role of bubbles in the electric breakdown of liquids: Prebreakdown processes
340Korobeinikov S.M.
- Ionization relaxation of transverse nanosecond discharge with gap cathode
346Ashurbekov N.A., Iminov K.O., Kurbanismailov V.S., Omarov O.A.
- Simulation of gas-phase chemical reactor for removal of toxic impurities, based on the use of a pulsed streamer discharge, Part I
352Zheleznyak M.B., Filimonova E.A.
- Optimization of the working processes in a ballistic plasma gun with multiple-stage heating
358Vasilik N.Ya., Krupkin V.G., Margolin A.D., Pinchuk V.V., Shmelev V.M.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- The density and limiting partial molar volumes of electrolyte in aqueous solutions of $\mathrm{MgCl}_2$ and $\mathrm{BaCl}_2$
363Azizov N.D., Akhundov T.S.
- The thermal properties of solutions of methanol–lithium bromide and lithium chloride at different concentrations
369Shakhverdiev A.N., Bolgan A.T., Safarov D.T., Aliev N.S.
- Thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions of $\mathrm{NaCl}$–$\mathrm{CaCl}_2$ system
375Abdullaev K.M., El'darov V.S., Mustafaev A.M.
- Thermal conductivity of porous glass at high pressure and temperature
379Abdulagatov I.M., Emirov S.N., Tsomaeva T.A., Gairbekov Kh.A., Askerov S.Ya.
- Shock compression of porous uranium
384Funtikov A.I.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- The structure of averaged flow behind a backward-facing step in a slotted channel
389Komarov P.L., Polyakov A.F.
- The effect of viscous–nonviscous interaction on turbulent flow past a plate under conditions of local heating of its surface
395Kazakov A.V., Kuryachii A.P.
- Numerical simulation of flows of reacting gas-droplet and gas mixtures in methanol ignition experiments
401Volkov V.A., Gidaspov V.Yu., Pirumov U.G., Strel'tsov V.Yu.
- The dynamics of three-dimensional vortex formation in the atmosphere, caused by buoyant high-temperature thermals in the wind field: Numerical investigation
412Andrushchenko V.A., Shevelev Yu.D.
- Investigation of gas-dynamic processes in a tube sudden communication with the atmosphere
419Kutishchev M.A., Mukoid V.P., Borisenko V.I.
- Vaporization in polymer liquids under conditions of rapid heating
425Pavlov P.A., Skripov P.V.
- Estimation of time between particle collisions in turbulent flow
433Zaichik L.I.
- Hydrodynamics and heat transfer under conditions of flow of conducting liquid in a flat channel in transverse magnetic field
438Genin L.G., Krasnoshchekova T.E., Sviridov E.V.
- Nonequilibrium of concentration of carbon monoxide under conditions of interaction between a high-temperature flow of combustion products and a cooled plate
446Nefedov A.P., Rogov B.V., Sinel'shchikov V.A.
- Macrostatistical model describing heat transfer by radiation with due regard for the vibrational-band spectrum: Calculation of radiation transfer
451Surzhikov S.T.
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
- The use of generalized Kirchhoff's law to derive correlations between the components of heat radiation
458Vasil'eva I.A.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Analysis of models of high-temperature deformation and oxidation of fuel element claddings in emergency situations
465Artemov V.I., Yan'kov G.G., Karpov v.E., Erkimbaev A.O.
- Hydrodynamic instability in the evaporators of a BN-600 steam generator
472Sheinkman A.G., Bel'tyukov A.I., Govorov P.P.
- Heat transfer in vertical channels of gas-discharge apparatus
479Semenov V.K.
Short Communications
- Multiwave source of pulsed radiation of krypton and xenon halides
484Shuaibov A.K.
- Ignition of a beam–plasma discharge by electrons emitted from ferroelectric
487Agzamova D.R., Borissenok V.A., Dubinov A.E., Klevtsov A.N., Kruchinin V.A., Sadovoi S.A., Selemir V.D.
- Dynamics of interaction of beams of accelerated atoms with high-molecular dielectrics
490Milyavskii V.V.
- Singularities of an electric discharge through the metallized polymer surface
493Shmelev V.M., Margolin A.D.
- Thermal conductivity of various organic liquids at high temperatures
495Tarzimanov A.A., Gabitov F.R., Ponikarova I.N.
- Computation of thermodynamic functions during calorimetric investigations (Using aluminum as an example)
497Bodryakov V.Yu., Zamyatin V.M.
- Simulation of heat transfer in a rotating disk: The effect of approximation of the tangent of the angle of flow swirling
500Shevchuk I.V.
- Advanced thermal technologies and materials
503Polezhaev Yu.V., Reznik S.V.
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
- Viscosity of aqueous solutions of inorganic substances and its dependence on the density and heat conductivity
507Magomedov U.B.