string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Zheleznyak M.B. - article list |
Zheleznyak M.B. - article list
- Simulation of gas-phase chemical reactor for removal of toxic impurities, based on the use of a pulsed streamer discharge, Part I
Zheleznyak M.B., Filimonova E.A.
- Simulation of a gas-phase chemical reactor for removal of toxic impurities, based on the use of a pulsed streamer discharge
Zheleznyak M.B., Filimonova E.A.
Zheleznyak M.B., Mnatsakanyan A.Kh.
- An approximate method of calculating the radiation flux at the wall of the gas-dynamic system in a MHD power-station employing natural-gas
Zheleznyak M.B., Zatelepin V.N., Mnatsakanyan A.Kh., Rotinov A.G.
- Photo-ionization of nitrogen and oxygen mixtures by radiation from a gas-discharge
Zheleznyak M.B., Mnatsakanyan A.Kh., Sizykh S.V.
- Radiative Heat Exchange in the Combustion Chamber of an MHD Electric Power Plant Using Methane Gas
Biberman L.M., Zheleznyak M.B., Mnatsakanyan A.Kh., Rotinov A.G., Tager S.A.
Zheleznyak M.B.