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Lamden D.I. - article list |
Lamden D.I. - article list
- Consistent inclusion of turbulent diffusion and analysis of spread in calculated values of the rate of precipitation of passive impurity in the case of high molecular Schmidt numbers
Kovalenko V.M., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
Lamden D.I., Wizel' Ya.M.
Mostinskii I.L., Zagorodnikh A.V., Lamden D.I.
Mostinskii I.L., Zagorodnikh A.V., Lamden D.I.
- Influence of droplet mass-transfer on the absorption of a gaseous impurity by the free-surface of a liquid
Kalyazin A.L., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
- Absorption of substances from a steam and gas aerosol flow by a $2$-component liquid
Kalyazin A.L., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
- Wave generation on the surface of a variable-viscosity liquid-film flowing under the action of a hot gas-stream
Kalyazin A.L., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
- Influence of flow pulsations on the heat and mass-transfer with particles
Mostinskii I.L., Lamden D.I., Stonik O.G.
- Effects of a current on the redistribution of an ionizing additive over an MHD channel
Reznikov M.B., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
- Temperature regimes arising in the analysis of some $3$-layer heat-conduction problems
Styrikovich M.A., Lamden D.I., Kostanovskaya M.E.
Reznikov M.B., Lamden D.I.
- Heat and mass-transfer in the short-term contact of a liquid-drop with a strongly superheated surface
Styrikovich M.A., Lamden D.I., Kostanovskaya M.E.
- Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer of a Liquid Film with a Variable Viscosity Formed When a Hot Gas Flows Past a Surface
Kalyazin A.L., Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.
- Evaporation of droplets slowed down in a hot gas
Lamden D.I., Mostinskii I.L.