string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Leont'ev A.A. - article list |
Leont'ev A.A. - article list
- Generation of an electron beam and pulses of microwave radiation using the energy of chemical explosives
Azarkevich E.I., Didenko A.N., Zherlitsyn A.G., Karpushin Yu.V., Leont'ev A.A., Mel'nikov G.V., Mintsev V.B., Ushnurtsev A.E., Fomenko G.P., Fortov V.E., Tsvetkov V.I., Shneider V.B., Yaselskii B.K.
- Experimental investigations into the operation of compact magnetoexplosive generators with magnetic flux interception
Karpushin Yu.V., Leont'ev A.A., Mintsev V.B., Ushnurtsev A.E., Fortov V.E.
- Evaluation of the parameters of the critical point
Fortov V.E., Dremin A.N., Leont'ev A.A.