string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Popov L.V. - article list |
Popov L.V. - article list
- Shock-compressibility measurements for iron, copper, lead, and titanium under pressures of $20$ TPa
Trunin R.F., Il'kaeva L.A., Podurets М.А., Popov L.V., Pechenkin B.V., Prokhorov L.V., Sevast'yanov A.G., Khrustalev V.V.
- Shock compression of molybdenum under pressures of $1.4$ TPa
Trunin R.F., Podurets М.А., Simakov G.V., Popov L.V., Sevast'yanov A.G.
- Shock-wave compression of aluminum at pressures of $1.7$ TPa
Podurets М.А., Ktitorov V.M., Trunin R.F., Popov L.V., Matveev A.Ya., Pechenkin B.V., Sevast'yanov A.G.
Popov L.V., Sergeev O.A.