string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Fomin V.A. - article list |
Fomin V.A. - article list
- Laser based on copper vapor with a coaxial discharge chamber
Director L.B., Malikov M.M., Fomin V.A.
Shpil'rain É.É., Soldatenko U.A., Yakimovich K.A., Fomin V.A., Savchenko V.A., Belova A.M., Kagan D.N., Krainova I.F.
Shpil'rain É.É., Fomin V.A.
- Procedure and experimental apparatus for investigating the density and surface-tension of liquid-metals at high-temperatures
Shpil'rain É.É., Fomin V.A., Kachalov V.V.
- Experimental investigation of the density and surface-tension of liquid barium up to $1850$-degrees-K
Shpil'rain É.É., Fomin V.A., Kachalov V.V.
Vasil'ev L.A., Gerts V.E., Director L.B., Kachalov V.V., Malikov M.M., Mendeleev V.Ya., Ratnikov G.E., Ryazanski? V.M., Sokol G.F., Sokolov A.V., Tatarintsev L.V., Fomin V.A., Shpil'rain É.É.
- Thermo-physical characteristics of co-axial high-power laser chambers
Director L.B., Malikov M.M., Skovorod'ko S.N., Fomin V.A., Shelkov E.M., Shpil'rain É.É.