string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Semena M.G. - article list |
Semena M.G. - article list
Semena M.G., Gershuni A.N.
- Investigation of the characteristics of heat-transfer in the heating zone of heat pipes with metal fiber capillary structures
Semena M.G., Zaripov V.K., Gershuni A.N.
Zaripov V.K., Semena M.G.
- Optimizing the parameters of thermal tubes containing metal fiber capillary structures
Semena M.G., Gershuni A.N., Zaripov V.K.
- Heat-Stabilizing Properties of Gas-Regulated Heat Pipes with a Soluble Gas
Semena M.G., M?ller R.
- Structural Characteristics and the Homogeneity of Metal-Fiber Cap!llary-Porous Materials
Semena M.G., Nischik A.P.
- Investigation of the structural and hydrodynamic characteristics of the wicks of heat pipes
Semena M.G., Kostornov A.G., Gershuni A.N., Moroz A.L., Shevchuk M.S.