string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Losev S.A. - article list |
Losev S.A. - article list
- Processes in high-temperature air involving molecules and atoms in excited electron states
Losev S.A., Yarygina V.N.
- The feasibility of industrial applications of the gasdynamic $\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser
Kalyuzhnyi V.V., Kobets Т.I., Losev S.A., Makarov V.N., Razdolin A.V.
Smekhov G.D., Losev S.A.
- Vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules
Kuksenko B.V., Losev S.A.
Smekhov G.D., Losev S.A.
- Measurement of the initial gas-pressure in shock-tubes
Alievskaya A.N., Britan A.B., Slezinger I.I., Losev S.A., Mironov Yu.V.