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Peigin S.V. - article list |
Peigin S.V. - article list
- Numerical investigation of supersonic flow past blunt bodies of intricate shape at an angle of attack and slip angle
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Optimization of the shape of bluntness of a body for convective heat flow within the framework of laminar boundary layer equations
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Heat transfer in a three-dimensional parabolized viscous shock layer in the vicinity of blunt bodies subjected to flow at angles of incidence and slip
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Numerical simulation of two-dimensional nonequilibrium supersonic flows within the model of viscous shock layer
Kazakov V.Yu., Peigin S.V.
- A study in three-dimensional flow of a viscous gas within the framework of parabolic flow models
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Investigation of three-dimensional hypersonic flow of chemically nonequilibrium viscous gas past a sharp cone
Kazakov V.Yu., Legostaev A.A., Peigin S.V.
- Model of a parabolized, viscous shock layer for the investigation of a three-dimensional, hypersonic flow of viscous gas past a body
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Three-dimensional, nonuniform, hypersonic viscous gas flow around blunt bodies
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V., Timchenko S.V.
- Method of global iterations for solving the three-dimensional equations of a viscous shock layer
Borodin A.I., Peigin S.V.
- Hypersonic flow of a viscous gas past pointed elliptical cones at angles of attack and yaw
Legostaev A.A., Peigin S.V.
- $3$-dimensional laminar boundary-layer in the symmetry planes of blunt bodies with large injection
Gershbeyn E.A., Peigin S.V.