string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Ivandaev A.I. - article list |
Ivandaev A.I. - article list
- Propagation of nonstationary shock waves in two-phase gas-dust-droplet mixtures
Amanbaev T.R., Ivandaev A.I., Shametov E.B.
- Propagation of acoustic disturbances in polydispersed fogs
Gubaidullin D.A., Ivandaev A.I.
- Characteristic times of phase interaction processes and their effect on dispersion and absorption of sound waves in vapor–gas–drop systems
Gubaidullin D.A., Ivandaev A.I.
- Shock wave structure in a gas suspension of liquid drops and fine solid particles
Amanbaev T.R., Ivandaev A.I.
Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin R.I.
Nigmatulin B.I., Ivandaev A.I.
Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin B.I.
Ivandaev A.I., Gubaidullin A.A.
Ivandaev A.I.
- Propagation of Weak Perturbations in Vapor-Liquid Dispersed Annular Flows
Ivandaev A.I., Nigmatulin B.I.