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Nedostup V.I. - article list |
Nedostup V.I. - article list
- Classical ideal curves in the phase diagram for simple substances
Nedostup V.I.
- Asymptotic properties of ideal curves on a thermodynamic surface
Nedostup V.I.
- Equations of state for helium, hydrogen, deuterium, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane at high temperatures and pressures
Nedostup V.I., Gal'kevich E.P.
Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z., Kudashev V.I., Nedostup V.I.
- Calculation of thermodynamic properties of condensed gases using tabulated virial coefficients for the Lennard-Jones $6$–$12$ potential
Nedostup V.I., Slynko A.G.
Wasserman A.A., Kreyzerova A.Ya., Nedostup V.I.
Nedostup V.I.
Nedostup V.I., Gal'kevich E.P.
- Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Compressed Gases
Nedostup V.I., Becker M.B.