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Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A. - article list |
Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A. - article list
- Investigation of interface oscillation under conditions of film boiling (Part 2)
Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Moloshnikov A.S., Nigmatulin B.I., Ustinov A.K.
- Investigation of interface oscillation and of the mechanism of heat transfer under conditions of film boiling
Nigmatulin B.I., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Bulkina N.A., Ustinov A.K., Moloshnikov A.S., Rychlik V.S.
- Effects of flow spiralling and a porous coating on heat-transfer characteristics at the heat-transfer crisis in an unevenly heated channel
Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Komendantov A.S., Ovodkov A.A., Vasil'eva L.T., Sukhov B.Yu.
- Study of the intensification of heat transfer in a steam-generating channel with intensive nonuniform heating
Komendantov A.S., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Vasil'eva L.T., Yan'kov G.G.
- Reflooding investigation on light water reactor model fuel assemblies and debris under the loss of coolant accident simulation
Bazuk S.S., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Parshin N.Y., Popov E.B., Soldatkin D.M.
Zvonarev Yu.A., Komendantov A.S., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A.
Aleshin A.N., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Moskvin V.N., Sorokin D.N.
Leont'ev A.I., Kuzma-Kichta Yu.A., Veretennikov S.V., Evdokimov O.A.