string(20) "getArticlesByAuthors"
Lapovok E.V. - article list |
Lapovok E.V. - article list
- Methods for the determination of temperatures of objects in circumterrestrial space using a multispectrum IR-radiometer against cold space background
Ivanov V.G., Kamenev A.A., Lapovok E.V., Skovorod'ko S.N., Khankov S.I.
- Methods for the calculation of unsteady-state thermal conditions of isothermal space objects
Kamenev A.A., Lapovok E.V., Skovorod'ko S.N., Khankov S.I.
- Analytical description of fractions of radiation energy of gray bodies in preassigned spectral ranges
Kamenev A.A., Lapovok E.V., Skovorod'ko S.N., Khankov S.I.