Plasma Investigations
1980. V. 18. № 1. P. 24–36
Rutkevich I.M., Sinkevich O.A.
Properties of nonstationary modes of joule heating of a low-temperature plasma
The qualitative properties are investigated of the one-dimensional temperature distributions and voltage-current characteristics of a low-temperature plasma under conditions of steady-state Joule heating. The effect is studied of the relative orientation of the electric current and heat flux vectors on the properties of the solutions. Examples are constructed of $N$-shaped, $S$-shaped, and more complex voltage-current characteristics for which the uniqueness conditions are violated. The relation is studied between the temperature dependences of the true and effective electric conductivities.
Article reference:
Rutkevich I.M., Sinkevich O.A. Properties of nonstationary modes of joule heating of a low-temperature plasma, High Temp., 1980. V. 18. № 1. P. 24
Rutkevich I.M., Sinkevich O.A. Properties of nonstationary modes of joule heating of a low-temperature plasma, High Temp., 1980. V. 18. № 1. P. 24