Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 389–394
Poddoskin A.B.
The effect of inelastic collisions on the diatomic gas temperature jump in the vicinity of a solid surface
The problem on temperature jump in the vicinity of a solid surface is solved by the method of half-space moments using the previously suggested model kinetic equation which takes into account the rotational degrees of freedom of molecules of a diatomic gas. The temperature jump coefficient is obtained in the form of a function dependent on the coefficient of accommodation of tangential momentum, the coefficients of accommodation of translational and rotational components of energy, thermophysical parameters, and the frequency of inelastic collisions of gas molecules. The temperature jump coefficient is calculated for a number of diatomic gases. Graphs are given of the dependence of the temperature jump coefficient on the inelastic collision frequency and on the accommodation coefficients.
Article reference:
Poddoskin A.B. The effect of inelastic collisions on the diatomic gas temperature jump in the vicinity of a solid surface, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 389
Poddoskin A.B. The effect of inelastic collisions on the diatomic gas temperature jump in the vicinity of a solid surface, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 389