Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 395–407
Smekhov G.D., Ibragimova L.B., Karkach S.P., Skrebkov O.V., Shatalov O.P.
Numerical simulation of ignition of a hydrogen-oxygen mixture in view of electronically excited components
Results are given of numerical simulation of the kinetics of ignition of a stoichiometric hydrogenoxygen mixture diluted with argon behind the front of an incident shock wave. The simulation involves the use of a data base for rate constants of chemical reactions, which includes processes in view of electronically excited components $\text{OH}^*(^2\Sigma^+)$, $\text{O}^*(^1D)$ and $\text{O}^*_2(^1\Delta)$. The calculated values of time required to reach the maximum of intensity of radiation of excited $\text{OH}^*$ radical at wavelength $\lambda = 306.4$ nm are in adequate agreement with the experimentally measured values. The contributions made by various reactions to the production of components of the gas ixture are determined.
Article reference:
Smekhov G.D., Ibragimova L.B., Karkach S.P., Skrebkov O.V., Shatalov O.P. Numerical simulation of ignition of a hydrogen-oxygen mixture in view of electronically excited components, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 395
Smekhov G.D., Ibragimova L.B., Karkach S.P., Skrebkov O.V., Shatalov O.P. Numerical simulation of ignition of a hydrogen-oxygen mixture in view of electronically excited components, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 395