Plasma Investigations
2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 291–295
Petrin A.B.
Axisymmetric instabilities of conducting liquid cylinder in view of the effect of electric field
The axisymmetric electrocapillary instability of a conducting liquid cylinder is considered. Exact solutions of linearized Navier—Stokes equations are investigated in view of viscosity of liquid. The rates of rise of instabilities and the wavelength of the most unstable mode are found. Special attention is given to the effect of electric field.
Article reference:
Petrin A.B. Axisymmetric instabilities of conducting liquid cylinder in view of the effect of electric field, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 291
Petrin A.B. Axisymmetric instabilities of conducting liquid cylinder in view of the effect of electric field, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 3. P. 291