Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 365–369
Kanel' G.I., Savinykh A.S., Garkushin G.V., Razorenov S.V.
Evaluation of glycerol viscosity through the width of a weak shock wave
Measurements of the width of a shock wave in glycerol dependent on the pressure of shock compression were taken to improve the method of determination of liquids viscosity. It was found that the time of growth of parameters in a shock wave decreases to the limit of time resolution of modern measurements, which is approximately $1$ ns at the shock compression pressure of around $2.5$ GPa. The values of viscosity, obtained at these parameters, are in agreement with experimental data. The transition to stepwise shock compression expands the pressure range, available for measurement by this method, and also makes possible the opportunity to vary the temperature.
Article reference:
Kanel' G.I., Savinykh A.S., Garkushin G.V., Razorenov S.V. Evaluation of glycerol viscosity through the width of a weak shock wave, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 365
Kanel' G.I., Savinykh A.S., Garkushin G.V., Razorenov S.V. Evaluation of glycerol viscosity through the width of a weak shock wave, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 3. P. 365