Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 97–100
Gubaidullin D.A., Gafiyatov R.N.
Reflection and transmission of acoustic wave through a multifractional bubble layer
The problem of the reflection of an acoustic wave from a multilayer medium containing a layer of multifractional bubble liquid is studied. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the wave are calculated for a water–bubble liquid–water mixture. A comparison of theory and experimental data is performed.
Article reference:
Gubaidullin D.A., Gafiyatov R.N. Reflection and transmission of acoustic wave through a multifractional bubble layer, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 97
Gubaidullin D.A., Gafiyatov R.N. Reflection and transmission of acoustic wave through a multifractional bubble layer, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 97